lost in love

hi darlings! it’s been a little while… of no interest to you why so i’ll skip such niceties and just hope you are as excited as i to be lost in love for a few mins today. i promise it was not planned and i have been allowing my stream of life to meander the last few months whilst keeping the faith that one day i’ll know what i want to share with you again. well whilst tuning into ‘mr. selfridge’ a little spark went off and it makes sense that february should be the month to set that fire alight again. and the subject… well love of course! you might recall my post last february where i championed this short month and encouraged you to make the most of finding love in all matter of things for each and every 28/29 days and not just on valentine’s. if not maybe join me and try again this year. much has changed in a year with perhaps the most enthralling being that i am in love (finally!!!) with a bear – well technically he’s a man! mmm most definitely a man! yes lucky me! and as the universe works in a much mysterious way my divorce will also be final in feb and so the scales right themselves allowing for new beginnings. with this post i simply want to plant a seed of pleasure for the coming year and reiterate my new years message below. i have also been having a furious love affair with instagram so it is fitting to kick the love month off by sharing pix that hold memories that make me flutter. i’ll be back weekly my darlings with posts dedicated to ‘lust’ and ‘live’ to stir your own senses…

with love x


2012-10-28 15.58.59

bohemian madonna – i will find you again…

2013-01-15 14.17.11

haphazardly finding the perfect vintage vase…


watching the sun rise out of the ocean…


dancing like no one is watching…


pink pastel poetry in paint…

2012-12-29 00.21.42

seafood! yes yes to those who know me… food in general!

2013-01-19 10.29.36-1

a job that never feels like work…


perfect white roses…

and maybe one day i’ll reveal the bear x